Family times are important times. Time spent with your child builds family memories for the years to come. Kids grow up so fast. Take time to do things with your children. Take time to talk with your children. Tell them about what is important to you. Talk about serious issues such as drinking, drugs, and violence. Do not assume that your kids will learn about these issues at school. What you think is
more important to your children than that of anyone else.
Teach your child to handle his emotions. Explain that everyone gets angry at times and that’s O.K. It’s your job to teach your child how to handle anger without
hurting another person. When you stay calm and understanding in hard times, you show a positive way to behave.
You can teach your child how to handle anger by talking with him and showing him how you want him to behave. If you shout at your child or hit him when you are angry, he learns that shouting and hitting are O.K. when he is angry.Children need love, attention, and supervision. The best gift you can give your child is your time.
• Show your child how you want
him to behave.
• Spend time with your children.
• Have rules that are fair and
clear. If you make a rule, stick
to it.
• Teach your child rules without
hitting or shouting.
• Show respect for your child.
• Children who see violence in
movies, TV shows, and video
games may think it is O.K. to
hurt others. Look at what your
children are watching. Is this
what you want them to see?
• Tell your child when you make
a mistake.
• Help your children find ways
to enjoy free time with games,
reading, sports, and hobbies.
Find out what your child likes
to do.
• Talk with your child about violence
they see on television and
in other places. Talk about
what it would be like in real
life. Talk about what is important
to you.
• If you have guns or other
weapons, keep them locked up
so children can’t get them.
Store ammunition away from
guns in a separate locked
• Teach your child how to be
• Talk about ways people are different
and the ways we are all
alike. Teach your child to
respect other people, even if
they are different.
• Make sure your child has other
relatives or friends who she can
talk to. This can keep a child
from feeling alone and reduce
Parental Tip —
Take time to laugh and be silly
with your child. Laughing can
help in hard times.